Thursday, 2 February 2017

January 2017 by the Numbers

Why 'By the Numbers'? 
While I'm much more concerned with quality as opposed to quantity, sometimes it's just fun to look back and reflect on what you've done in a specific window of time. Taking a look at what you've done often might be telling . . . here's to hoping that we engage in joyous activities regularly, and perhaps we can learn something from reflecting on how we've spent some of our time, and make changes if need be accordingly. The overall hope here is to celebrate the smaller joys in life, enjoying a measure of gratitude for the everyday and commonplace, as well as the rare and extraordinary.

This past month was a topsey-turvey one emotionally speaking, and so my monthly 'By the Numbers' post and any others that I've had in mind have been somewhat delayed. I thank you all for your support and care during this time and always. How grateful I am for you all! 

January 2017 By the Numbers:

- Three wonderful days spent embracing the wonders of our Ontario Winter in a gorgeous setting in the Haliburton area. What a great way to share time with old friends!


- A few savoured hours spent writing and reflecting.

- Countless pieces of Lego sorted and many fun hours building with the girls.

- Four of us happy to get out for a weekend matinee together to see 'Sing', a fun and uplifting family flick about the power of being true to yourself, supporting others and their dreams, and never giving up.

- Three plaid-wearing swim Moms cheering on all of our swimmers at the A-B Meet in Etobicoke.

- Two munchkins having some Easy-Bake Oven playdate fun.

- Two magazines featuring George read from cover to cover. First magazines I've bought for myself in ages! 

- Seven days of fun in the sun with family and good friends in Cayo Coco, Cuba.


- One ginormous iguana that amazed us for both its size and utter stillness.

- More sightings of hummingbirds during our week in Cuba than I've seen collectively in my entire life. We loved them and delighted in each one!

 - 86 years of our Oma celebrated as we said our final farewells . . . how we love and miss her.


  1. What a roller coaster month for sure. Very much an emotional month with some great fun added for good measure. One that won't be forgotten.

    1. You're so right about that, love. Thanks for supporting me through it all, too.
