Monday, 31 July 2017

July 2017 by the Numbers

Why 'By the Numbers'?
While I'm much more concerned with quality as opposed to quantity, sometimes it's just fun to look back and reflect on what you've done in a specific window of time. Taking a look at what you've done often might be telling . . . here's to hoping that we engage in joyous activities regularly, and perhaps we can learn something from reflecting on how we've spent some of our time, and make changes if need be accordingly. The overall hope here is to celebrate the smaller joys in life, enjoying a measure of gratitude for the everyday and commonplace, as well as the rare and extraordinary.

July 2017 by the numbers:

- Four proud Canadians patriotically toasted our wonderful country at our city's new Starbucks location on its grand first day of being open. Cheers!

- 150 years of Canada were celebrated with dear friends with whom we felt so lucky to share a beautiful Summer's afternoon and eve.


- One perfect chandelier was the surprising finishing touch on E's newly redecorated bedroom. 

- One new pair of glasses for this grown-up young lady.

- One very happy Auntie got to share a lovely afternoon with her dear niece.

- Two kinds of Jello were made in sympathy for H after an orthodontic adjustment, and both were enjoyed by the whole family.

- Two cuties with whom I'm so happy to be sharing the Summer holidays.

- Four of us experienced 'That Chickadee Feeling' and shared a lovely afternoon.


 - Two movies at the drive-in were watched on a perfect Summer's evening.

- Four baskets of strawberries were picked - and countless berries were eaten right in the field! - which gave us enough to share with family and friends.


- Two sweet sisters melt my heart regularly.

- One service berry picker was spotted on the ladder by an ever-watchful Grampa.

- Five kids + two Dads made some great splashes in the pool.

- Three fantastic days were spent at Blue Mountain in Collingwood, where memorable adventures were shared.


 - Eight of us shared a fantastic day of thrills and laughter at Canada's Wonderland.



- Six cyclists and hikers shared a nice day along the escarpment.


- Five cousins shared pool time, games and celebrated a champagne birthday together while we all enjoyed my parents' backyard, home and a great BBQ with them. Thanks for hosting, Mom & Dad!

- Four long-distance cousins really enjoyed seeing one another and getting to spend several fun-filled days together.

- One happy little baker chose to make Rocky Roady Brownie Cups. Mmmmmm!

- Two of us enjoyed a date night in Toronto with dinner on a patio and a fantastic concert featuring 'Chicago'!

- Sixteen of us shared a fabulous cottage weekend together, complete with time at the beach, a gals' bicycling outing, some party crashing, dancing, great food and best of all time savoured with friends and family.


- Two great-granddaughters were so happy to spend an afternoon visiting and playing cards with Nanny.

- Eight friends and colleagues had a great time reconnecting over drinks and good conversation on a Summer's eve.

- Eight of us, plus two late arrivals, had a fun night watching the Movie in the Park and taking part in some of the other creative activities offered.

- Two little fishies completed their swimming lesson session with great effort, and we embarked on a destination ride to DQ in celebration!


- Two cups of coffee savoured together on the porch on a perfect weekend morning.

- My two girlies and I shared a memorable day of adventures at beautiful Albion Falls.


- Five letters written and packed with care for my camper to read during her week away up North . . . probably more for my own sake than hers. Oh, how I miss her!

- Four of us stopped at Weber's for lunch on the way up to Muskoka, enjoying an Ontario tradition of burgers, fries, and Kawartha ice cream.

- Countless enthusiastic counsellors welcomed the arriving campers with cheers and smiles.

- Three pals and cabin mates were reunited and ready for a great week ahead.

- One little camper was plum tuckered out after her first day at camp!

The Summer's been absolutely awesome so far, and I'm excited for the sun-filled days yet ahead. I wish each of you a wonderful August, and look forward to hearing about your Summer adventures as well!

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