Saturday, 1 July 2017

June 2017 by the Numbers

Why 'By the Numbers'?
While I'm much more concerned with quality as opposed to quantity, sometimes it's just fun to look back and reflect on what you've done in a specific window of time. Taking a look at what you've done often might be telling . . . here's to hoping that we engage in joyous activities regularly, and perhaps we can learn something from reflecting on how we've spent some of our time, and make changes if need be accordingly. The overall hope here is to celebrate the smaller joys in life, enjoying a measure of gratitude for the everyday and commonplace, as well as the rare and extraordinary.

June 2017 by the numbers:

- Three days spent in Windsor with family I feel so fortunate to have married into. We hung out and cheered H on as she competed at this year's Long Course WOSA Regional Championships.

- Four swimming pals who swam some great relays together.

- Three lovely visits over tea shared with my mother-in-law as we chatted during H's long warm-up sessions.

- Two cousins - one swimmer, one Irish dancer - who both competed earlier on this day and then got to hang out as we all had dinner and then walked to the neighbourhood icecream parlour.

- 31.45 seconds is the time it took H to swim the 50 m. long course butterfly, thus breaking the 27-year-old ROW Swim Club record that was held by Olympian Laura Nicholls for 11-12 year-old girls. 1.05 seconds is how much H broke the record by! As of the date of that race, she was ranked 3rd in Ontario and 7th in Canada in this event for her age category this season!

- Two loves we missed on Regionals weekend who shared some quality Daddy/daughter time and got busy repainting E's room.

- 43 years of M celebrated with homemade cupcakes and snuggles from his girlies.

- Four days spent in Las Vegas with three dear friends; three cups of coffee sealed our first toast of the trip.

- Three beverages more appropriate for toasting a Vegas trip were enjoyed as we set to seeing the sights of the strip.


- Thirty weary toes soaked in the pool after a full day of walking Las Vegas Boulevard.

- Three ladies got smart and took the public bus to continue their sightseeing on day two of the trip.

- One lunch time bucket 'o beer featuring four bottles split between three friends equals one and one third beer each. Certainly we were abiding by the voice of reason if we could still figure our way through this type of practical mathematical word problem!

- Three little black dresses donned for a fun gals' eve out!

- Three pairs of shades served us well as we basked in the sunshine and high temperatures of Vegas in June.

- So much gratitude and love felt for these friends, and for the family back home who've supported me in all of my personal travels and endeavours this year and always.

- One educational morning during which I was able to volunteer in E's class for the Scientists in School workshop. We got to get up close and personal with live, wiggly worms at my station!

- One girl and her kitty: sweetness times two!

- One week of hard work and much effort, plus oodles of fun, backed up by several weeks of planning and creativity, culminated in an exciting Innovation Showcase at our school. H and her teammates displayed and sold the fidget spinners they made which attach to the phone cases that they also created. All money they raised was donated to 'Me to We'. Very cool to see all of the innovative young minds working together at our school!

- My two little triathletes enjoyed yet another day of great racing at what's become their annual participation at the TriGator. Fantastic swimming, biking and running, and they managed to finish before the storm arrived.

 - Ooodles of warm fuzzies were felt as I watched my girls celebrate their accomplishments in the triathlon with each other and good friends.

 - Eight of us celebrated Father's Day together, with a feast and a great afternoon and eve of catching up and reminiscing. How grateful I am for my family, for my own amazing Dad, and for the other fantastic Dads in my life. And though I'm sad they've past, I also feel so very fortunate to have such happy memories of wonderful Grandfathers who were a part of my life for so long. Two great nieces and a great uncle also happily played 'Flohoepf', the German version of Tiddlywinks.

- The second double rainbow I was lucky enough to see this month!

- Four days spent at Camp Queen Elizabeth on Beausoleil Island to celebrate a fantastic year of Grade Seven for H! This gorgeous location is on Georgian Bay and boasts the beauty of the Canadian Shield.


- One Mathematics Additional Qualification course completed: three months of course work, comprised of four modules, four final summative assignments submitted, 41 e-tivities completed, 226 posts authored, 3185 posts read, countless articles and monographs read and videos and webcasts watched. Fantastic learning acquired, but one very big sigh of relief exhaled upon completion!

- One impromptu cafe date shared . . . but water will do when one party has already had her caffeine quota for the day.

- Two of us happily enjoyed DQ blizzards together as a special Mommy/E outing to celebrate summer's official arrival.

- Two coffee dates in one day! I'm beyond grateful to have these opportunities to share meaningful visits.

- A dozen bottles of red stocked up on just in case the threats of the LCBO strike came to fruition. This is surely what those Boy Scouts mean when they say, "Be prepared!"

- Six good friends and fellow Book Club members read and chatted about Roald Dahl's 'Fantastic Mr. Fox', and then celebrated with a pool party.

- Six Book Club Moms were also happy to spend a summer afternoon together catching up over book theme-inspired cider!

- Six fantastic races for H at Summer Swim Festivals, which boasted P.B.s and time standard qualifying swims. Excellent way to end this year's swim season!

- Four relay team members who had a blast swimming together and hanging out in between races.

- Two swim pals enjoyed a beautiful summer's afternoon of hanging out between swim sessions.

- Many great swimming teammates and friends celebrated a wonderful weekend and successful season together!

- Countless bikes inspected by M and made more safe during E's Grade 3 Bike Rodeo (I got to be an assistant!). One very happy E that her Dad was there!

- Two flat whites earned by Bike Rodeo volunteers who worked through the rainy & chilly morning. Impromptu coffee dates make me smile :)

- One fidget spinner actually exists in our house now, after E got her wish and received a spiffy purple one from Gramma & Grampa as a Grade 3 grad gift!

- Two dozen friendship cookies baked thanks to a thoughtful gift.

- Two cute little bunnies enjoying our lengthy and plentiful clover!

- Four cute little friends ready for the last walk to school of the year!

- Four friends celebrated the last day of school with an ice cream outing. H and E are grade 7 and 3 grads!

- Two of us enjoyed a V.I.P. movie date night and watched, 'Wonder Woman', which boasts some great female power.

- Two hot-tubbers, lookin' like the sisterly version of the 'Blues Brothers'!

- 150 years of Canada ready to be celebrated! 

I wish my Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day, and to all of you, Happy Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Another great by the numbers. Love catching up on the month like this. That's a lot of wine. Thank goodness you sticker up. Love you
